Banana Bread muffins

I’ve been working at being more intentional with my actions, and my activities. Some days I do better than others. It’s crazy to me how I can work awesome at something, and then I just stop being awesome. It becomes harder to do this good thing. It’s frustrating, and I’m working on figuring out how I can stop the negative cycle.

Banana Bread

This is an old recipe I don’t remember what cook book it’s from. My sister introduced me to this recipe about 15 years ago now. After I made it with her I went out and bought the same cook book solely for this recipe. But I only ever really ended up using the 1 recipe, and the recipe that shared the page. To clear out some cabinet space I just copied the page and gave the book away to someone else who can hopefully get more use out of it.


See all those grease stains, yea, that’s how much I use this recipe.

Instead of a loaf I made mini muffins, and regular muffins when I ran out of mini muffin space. They turned out great. And I’m happy to know that I can still enjoy this recipe even with my change in diet.


Next week I’m going to make another cinnamon roll recipe. This is another one of my staple recipes.

French bread

This week, was a week. We had a couple’s weekend where we went away without the kids. I had the hard lesson that I’m getting old. I can’t stay out until 2 am, and expect to be able to play all day and stay out all night again. I crashed at about 8pm the next night. We went so many places, saw so many things. It was exciting but overwhelming. It was a great weekend and I will forever be thankful to my family for keeping our kids happy and safe so we could go on this trip.

Still I was recovering from the trip on Monday, and I didn’t make a plan the week before for what to cook, so I just kind of blew it off. Well, today ended up being a very rainy cold day in Arizona, so my handsome husband made 2 soups and I found and made a French bread to eat with the soups.


Tada! I was impressed with myself. I had no real anxiety, I just found a recipe, cleaned up the space, and voilà, French bread.

Easy Peesy French Bread Recipe – Four Ingredients, ONE Hour, Fool Proof

It was a dense recipe, but I don’t really mind that. I’m still a little shaky around breads. So, it could have been something that I did or didn’t do to it. All I know is that I still have a lot to learn when it comes to bread.

Kids loved it, I loved it, hubby loved it. I’ll definitely make it again.

Next week: Banana bread muffins (I need to go buy bananas now so that I can make these)

Cinnamon rolls

Why is it so hard to be motivated? Last week was all kinds of unmotivated. I started the week off with a sick 5 year old. Then for the rest of the week I fought getting sick, got into a lazy slump of lazy activities while I tried to rest and not get sick, and even today I’m still struggling to get back to being motivated.

Changing habits is rough. It’s not so much the early days of the new change because you have enthusiasm pushing through. It’s the later days when all enthusiasm is gone and your body just wants to naturally revert back to what it knows.

I forced myself to make the cinnamon rolls. I started them way too late. But, I did it. I’m glad I did too.

Cinnamon Rolls with Maple Icing


I messed up. I used a glass pan and did not adjust the baking temp so that the rolls would bake correctly. The tops were golden brown but everything below the top was still doughy. But, the roll that I could eat from the top, was super light and fluffy. I think it’s the best dough I’ve ever made. I was not a fan of the maple frosting. I think that I’ll stick with the usual frosting recipe. I wanted that taste, and the maple flavor, plus it not tasting that great to me made me sad. (side note: it could have been my maple extract, which I think was actually a “flavoring”)

I’m definitely keeping the dough recipe, I think that if I cooked them properly for the pan I used they would have turned out awesome.